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InInterviewNoodlebyJINUber System ArchitectureUber began from a monolithic architecture to service-oriented Architecture. From the beginning, Uber is built for San Francisco, which they…Oct 31, 20212Oct 31, 20212
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S. G.System design for dummies — part 3 (Design a donation app)This is the final part of a 4 part series on cracking the system design interview. Part 0 provided an overview of this article series, Part…Feb 7, 20221Feb 7, 20221
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InInterviewNoodlebyArslan AhmadSystem Design Interviews: A Step-By-Step GuideHow to efficiently manage a 45 minutes system design interview.Dec 23, 2021Dec 23, 2021
Abhijit MondalSystem Design — Backend for Google PhotosDesign the backend system for storing and retrieving Google PhotosFeb 7, 20223Feb 7, 20223
InNerd For TechbyRany ElHousienyMigrating from Monolithic Architecture to Microservices Hands-On Real-World Case StudyIn this article and the attached video, I will go through a real-world experience that I have done to migrate from Monolithic architecture…Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
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InNerd For TechbyPurnendu KarSystem design architecture for hotel booking apps (Like Airbnb, OYO)How do hotel booking applications like Airbnb, and OYO work to provide such a smooth flow, from hotel listing to booking, to…Sep 19, 202115Sep 19, 202115
InLevel Up CodingbyAhmad FaiyazSystem Design: Designing a Distributed Job SchedulerHave you ever used Cloud Scheduler from Google Cloud or a similar service? How about design that service by yourself?Feb 3, 20225Feb 3, 20225
InTech WrenchbySystemDesignSystem Design Interview: Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Slack, Discord or a Similar Application’s…Almost everyone has at least one of the popular chat apps installed on their phones. Messaging services like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp…Apr 21, 20216Apr 21, 20216
InMastering the System Design InterviewbyRyan HuangDistributed System Refresher, Part 1Distributed System Refresher series review basic fundamental knowledge about system design. I hope this series could serve as a good…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
InMastering the System Design InterviewbyRyan HuangSystem Design SeriesThis article is a proposal for my blog series. I plan to write a systematic tutorial for system design, especially practical knowledge for…Feb 13, 2022Feb 13, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyAshis ChakrabortySystem Design Analysis of InstagramHow do you design a photo-sharing service like Instagram?Mar 22, 20214Mar 22, 20214
InLevel Up CodingbyRany ElHousienyMicroservices Design Patterns in Practice using Java, Maven, and Sprint Boot: Step 1 : Building a…By Rany ElHousienyNov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
InLevel Up CodingbyRany ElHousienySystem Design Interviews Made EasySystem Design is one of the most important questions that I ask during interviews. It bothers me when someone tries to spit up some of the…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021